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Liebster Award!

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Liebster Award
The Liebster Award is one given to bloggers by other bloggers to help recognize and learn a little more about them than what they usually write about! I have been nominated by Chadrassa aka Cleeyah of the In Character blog, in which she also writes about video games, especially SWTOR!

In my Liebster post, I must give eleven facts about myself, answer Chadrassa’s questions, and then nominate another blogger and write my own questions for them! Let’s get started!

Facts About Me

  1. I like to sing, and I’m not completely terrible! I’ve sung at weddings, in talent shows, choir, musicals, parties, the shower, and more.
  2. I LOVE monthly subscription boxes/services! It’s so much fun receiving surprises in the mail every month (or whenever I choose). I am not constantly subscribed to all of these, but here’s a list of what I’ve tried and liked: Nature Box, Stitch Fix, Daily Look, Fabletics, Ipsy, and Elizabeth & Clarke. Lots of fashion and clothing! (If anyone would like a free month of snacks with a Nature Box subscription, let me know!)

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    Stitch Fix logo

    Click the image to read my first Stitch Fix review!

  3. I’m a big My Little Pony fan. I used to watch the original series from the late 80s and early 90s when I was younger, and I think the new series is absolutely adorable! I couldn’t choose which pony I identify the most with since I have traits from them all, but my favorites out of the six are Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie. I have a Rarity plush toy and a Pinkie Pie Funko toy on my desk!Image may be NSFW.
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    my little pony
  4. The blog is named after the ABC Family teen drama, Pretty Little Liars, which I am a fan of! I didn’t even realize that the SWTOR Sith Inquisitor companion Khem Val says, “little sith,” so that is not how I thought of the name for the blog.Image may be NSFW.
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  5. I prefer wearing skirts and dresses over pants! The difficult thing about pants is that since I’m so short, pants are very long on me unless they are hemmed, whereas skirts and dresses fit immediately. My favorite stores to shop at J. Crew and Francesca’s Collections!
  6. Along those lines, unlike Chadrassa, I am a HUGE jewelry fan. I don’t have super expensive stuff, but I love to accessorize. My desk is strewn with earrings I’ve had to remove because they’re uncomfortable to wear with my gaming headset.
  7. I am also a fan of Game of Thrones! Some of my Twitter followers probably know that, but I never write about it on the blog. What would I write? I would give a ton of spoilers away!Image may be NSFW.
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  8. My diet ranges from super healthy (vegan, vegetarian, paleo, etc.) to burgers, pizza, and other indulgent foods! I love eating and cooking different types of food, and I try my best to balance my diet so it’s not terribly strict but also healthy.
  9. I took several years of hula lessons when I was younger! It’s a huge workout for your legs too.
  10. I am extremely sensitive to mosquito bites. Any bites I get swell up like the size of walnuts. I only get bitten every once in a while, but I like to avoid tropical or swampy areas.
  11. This might not be that much of a shocker, but my favorite class I’ve ever taken was Language and Composition AP taught by Mrs. Dickens in 11th I nailed the AP test essays with a rare top score, and I learned so much about how to write and analyze the writing of others. Oddly enough, my second favorite class ever was Statistics in college.

Answers to Chadrassa’s Questions

1. Is being able to cre­ate a good-looking char­ac­ter in a game import­ant to you?

Yes! Sometimes I struggle to make a character look good, and when I start to play them, I have less desire to do so, because I don’t like seeing them on the screen or in cutscenes. Additionally, playing a character is like playing an extension of myself, and I would rather see my character as more attractive than less.

2. How import­ant is the gender of your game char­ac­ter to you?

It’s very important. Like I said in the first question, playing a game character is like playing myself, and it’s easier to identify with my characters when the game treats me like the gender I am. However, if I don’t have the option to play a female, it’s not a big deal, but I can’t remember the last time I’ve played a game that only let me be male. I have additionally played games where I am only allowed to be female, like the Nancy Drew Mystery Games and Tomb Raider, and those are a couple of my favorite game series ever. The one male character I have in SWTOR is a Trooper. I switched genders as soon as I heard the female voice, which leads to Chadrassa’s next question..

3. How import­ant is the qual­ity of the voice act­ing of a char­ac­ter you play to you?

It’s not terribly important, but when I heard the voice of the female Trooper, it did not match the character I had designed at all. I know it’s an extremely famous and popular voice (FemShep), but it wasn’t what I had in mind when I started my Trooper. I restarted and played through the entire class story with a male character instead. Basically, I prefer if the quality of the voice acting matches the character I am playing.

4. Do you role­play? If yes, alone or with other people?

If we’re talking about gaming, then yes, I role-play in my head. I will choose decisions and do things in-game based on what my character is like in my head. I don’t role play with other people, unless I’m going to a party on the SWTOR Ebon Hawk server, which is rare!

5. If you could be a game dev for a day, what would you improve in your favour­ite game?

I would improve guild functions in SWTOR. I think guilds are one of the most important aspects in keeping large groups of people playing in a game, and contribute greatly to a game being “massively multiplayer.” I think if people have fun with who they’re playing with, it is more important than the game content itself. Having better guild functions to assist guild leaders and officers to organize and run their guilds would help to make the game more fun! We could add calendars showing a schedule of what’s going on without paying extra for a guild website, a way to message all guild members without being restricted by a short Message of the Day, being able to whisper from the guild member list… lots of things we could do that would enhance people’s experience in the game.

6. A life without gam­ing would be… ?

A life without gaming would be one with a lot more reading! I play a lot of video games these days, but when I wasn’t, I was doing a lot more reading. I like classic novels better than contemporary, because they have stood the test of time.

7. How big is your Steam backlog?

It’s not too huge! I don’t go crazy buying games in Steam Sales, but rather only when I know I want to play something. I have a couple that I haven’t really played, including Knights of The Old Republic and a new one which you guys will find out about on the blog Monday!

8. What do you think about tie-in novels/movies to pop­u­lar games?

I think they enhance the story in games and flesh out characters a lot more. I think they’re a good thing! It’s not bad if a game you like is popularized even more in movies or books. It’s great that fans of The Old Republic can not only play the games, but they can read more about the stories in novels as well. Admittedly, I have never watched the latest Nancy Drew movie, but it looks like she is a caricature and not the best reflection of what Nancy Drew is really like. I guess I would have to watch it to make a better judgment. However, I am a big fan of the Nancy Drew novels, which came out before any video games or movies.

9. Fan­fic­tion, yay or nay?

Yay? I used to read a lot of Harry Potter fanfiction. My favorite coupling was Hermione and Draco! I haven’t read any of it lately or written anything myself though.

10. Dark Side or Light Side?

I could make my answer really easy, and simply say “Dark Side!” The blog is Pretty Little Sith after all. However, in-game I like to choose and play both sides. On my main character, of course, she is 100% Dark Side! In real life, it’s important not to be one-sided. There are several aspects in life that one should be passionate and emotional about, and other aspects where one should be calm, focused, and level-headed. I could not choose just one side.

11. Would you ever name a pet (or child) after a favour­ite gam­ing character?

Of course I would! I’ve been considering naming a blue and black betta fish Satele, but I haven’t gotten around to obtaining one yet. My dog’s name is Daisy, who I named after the new Star Wars actress Daisy Ridley. I would be slightly more selective when it comes to a child’s name, and I don’t think I’ve come across any names yet that I would want for my child.

My Nomination and Questions

I would like to nominate Joe of the Gadgets and Khajiits blog! He is also a writer on CorellianRun.com, and one of the first bloggers I’ve ever interacted with in the SWTOR community. Here are my questions for him:

  1. If you could create a game based on any existing series, movies, or other game, what would it be? (Ex: Pokemon MMO)
  2. Do you play other games besides SWTOR? If so, which games?
  3. Besides blogging and gaming, do you have any other hobbies?
  4. If you could travel anywhere without worrying about expense or taking vacation days, where would you go, and what would you see and/or do?
  5. What is your favorite food?
  6. If you were an animal besides human, what animal would you be and why?
  7. Have you ever cosplayed? If so, what character? If not and you had unlimited resources to come up with an outfit, who would you be?
  8. Who is your favorite Star Wars character?
  9. Did you have a favorite toy when you were growing up?
  10. If you could have any career regardless of pay or any schooling expense, what would it be?
  11. Dark Side or Light Side?

I hope you liked this post! If you have any questions for me, leave one in the comments!

The post Liebster Award! appeared first on Pretty Little Sith.

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